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Kirby Smith
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The end of the Busselton Jetty is a great dive site perfect for those interested in muck diving or as a night dive.

Name Dive Site:Busselton Jetty
Depth: 0-8m (0-26ft)
Visibility: 12-18m (39-59ft)
Accessibility: Shore, Boat
Inserted/Added by: perthscuba

Rated 3.2, 6 votes

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Best dive-season / How to get there: Can't miss it from Busselton Beach. A small train runs most of the way to the end of this huge Jetty, so you can pay a small fee and catch it with all your gear. You can also go out in one of the dive shop boats.

The Busselton Jetty is the second longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere. Best area to dive is about the last 300mtrs of the jetty, you can dive it using the tourist train that takes you almost all the way out, but check on running times first. You can also hire a trolley from Naturaliste Dive (you pass it on the way to the jetty) but 2kms is a hell of a walk (don't even think about carrying your gear!) Simplest method is a boat, you don't need anything huge as it's very protected here and the ramp is right next to the jetty. If you get a bit cool during your dive, the bakery next to the dive shop makes the most awesome pastries such as pies and sausage rolls. It is also a very nice night dive.


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Name: capediveexperience

The Busselton Jetty is the second longest Jetty in the Southern Hemisphere, built from Giant Karri Hardwood and used by whalers and other vessels for decades. It was built in 1865 with an original length of 158m. Further extensions were made in 1875, 1884, 1887, 1890, 1894, 1895 and 1896. It's now 1799 meters long.

The Busselton Jetty is a fantastic dive site. It has been forming for years and an abundance of corals and marine life have made their home on and around the pylons. The jetty is also a great night dive.

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